Language week


Par admin condorcet, publié le vendredi 17 mars 2023 14:55 - Mis à jour le vendredi 16 juin 2023 10:33
Après la blague phare de 2022, 
¿Cuál es la fruta más paciente?
Es pera (esperar = attendre).
voici deux nouvelles sorties en espagnol pour cette année :
  • ¿Cuál es la fruta más divertida?
La naranja, ja, ja, ja.
  • ¿Cómo se queda un mago después de comer?


Retrouvez l'édition 2022, si vous l'aviez ratée :

Português : comprendrez-vous en croisant les langues latines que vous connaissez?

- Dizem que todos temos um lado bonito.

- Então tu deves ser um círculo!

Español : gare aux jeux de mots !

¿Cuál es la fruta mas paciente? Es pera.

¿Qué le dice un techo (un toit) a otro? Techo de menos. 


We worked on different jokes in class to see why they were difficult to understand and translate : pun1 or cultural knowledge? Have a look and decide:

What is black and white and red all over? A newspaper. 

Bono and the Edge walk into a bar in Dublin. The barman exclaims, "Not U2 again!!!" 

“I took my pony to the vet yesterday : he has a sore throat”. “Oh, is he coughing a lot?” “No – but he is a little hoarse!”  

“What does the Loch Ness Monster eat?” “Fish and Ships!”  

Why do pipers walk while they play? To get away from the noise. 

A man takes a pair of shoes back to the shop and complains that there is a lace missing. "No," argues the assistant, "look at the label - it says Taiwan." 

I love summer here in Ireland. It's my favorite day of the year. 

Jokes created or selected by the 1BC pupils. Will you understand them?

What is the only dog you can eat? A hot dog.

There are two potatoes walking on a road, but one gets hit by a car, so the other says "oh a smashed potato".

A teacher asked "1+1=?" to her pupils and they answered 2, but one of them didn't answer, so the teacher said to him if I give you 1 biscuit and another one, how many will you have?  He said 2 biscuits and a cup of tea please !

"Peter do you think I am a Bad mother  ?" --> "Well my name is Andrew..."

I'm so broke, if a robber was to rob me, all he'd get would be practice.

What did the math book say to the guidance counsellor?  It needed help figuring out his problems.

Les blagues françaises que les élèves ont trouvées intraduisibles.

Pourquoi les papiers se noient ? Car ils n'ont pas pied. 

Qu'est-ce qu'y est jaune et qui attend ? Jonathan.

Que dit une noix qui tombe dans l'eau ?  Je me noie.

 C'est l'histoire d'un Schtroumpf qui se promène dans la forêt, il tombe et ce fait un bleu !

Quel est le meilleur instrument ? La flûte répond le boulanger. 

Un chat tombe dans un pot de peinture le jour de Noël et ça donne un chat-peint de Noël (sapin de Noël).

1 “an amusing use of a word or phrase that has several meanings or that sounds like another word”. Cambridge dictionary.